Hey there, folks! It looks like Guernsey is facing a bit of a kerfuffle with its supply of Semaglutide, the weight-loss drug that also helps manage Type 2 diabetes. According to reports, pharmacies on the island are running low on the stuff, which has left about 350 people in a bit of a bind.


But fear not, my friends! The healthcare community is doing all it can to help people navigate this sticky situation. Alternative approaches and treatments are being prepared, and the NHS has approved other similar products to help manage diabetes and weight loss.

 Now, I know it's frustrating when you can't get the medicine you need, but let's not take it out on the pharmacy teams who are working their tails off to get us what we need. They don't deserve any verbal abuse, no matter how upset we might be.

 So let's all take a deep breath and remember that we're in this together. We'll get through this Semaglutide scarcity one way or another!



 If you're running low on Semaglutide, talk to your doctor about alternative approaches and treatments that may be available.

 Be patient with your pharmacy team - they're doing their best to help you get the medicine you need.

 Don't take out your frustration on pharmacy staff - verbal abuse is never acceptable.